UX Understanding

Ok! Huumm… just thinking a start….

In simple words UX Design is not Front End Development(HTML, CSS & Jquery…) job.

Many people talk about User Experience in IT Industry. When I got the chance to work or talk with them, I realized that Front End Development is mistakenly taken as UX Design, which is totally wrong concept.

You may find many definitions, languages, and theories about UX – User Experience, but below I’ll try to make it simple with example.

When you use any service, after completion of your purpose or task activity, if you feel good or WoW! Satisfaction… then It’s called User Experience. User experience is also known as UXDor UED.

For UX Design Understanding, people have memory and emotions, which come from experiences depending upon their previous learning with the use of that service and its situation.

UX Design is a deep research work to do. When you start a project just make sure you know your Correct Target Audience(type of), Business Goal and related Problem. UX Design is not to make interface pretty, it’s all about solving problems and producing intuitive path.

For UX beginners we’ll suggest to go through below post and study these:

  • UX – User Experience Design
  • UCD/A – User-Centered Design/Analysis
  • ID – Interaction Design
  • VD – Visual Design
  • UT – Usability Testing
  • HCI – Human-Computer Interaction
  • UX ROI Model
  • Usability Principles/Science
  • Accessibility
  • …And many more (but in short it’s fine)…

We’ll discuss all the above points in details in our few next posts. Keep checking for latest updates, signing off – Sanket